Biggs for

Democratic staffers and outside money are flowing in at a rate we have never seen before!

Just this week Democratic billionaire and Anti-Trump radical Michael Bloomberg hired 30 staffers and opened field offices across the state not just for his campaign, but for Democrats throughout Arizona!

This is in addition to the MILLIONS he's pouring into deceptive digital and television ads to flip this state. That's just from Bloomberg!

John, I'm fighting tooth and nail to stop the Democrats from turning Arizona and my seat blue. But if I'm going to compete with Bloomberg and the Democrats' endless source of billionaire donors I need your immediate help.

We have less than 5 weeks left until early voting begins for Arizona's 2020 Democratic Primary, so the storm of leftist ads and lies are only going to get worse. We need to act NOW if we have any chance of keeping up with the Democrats.

The Left is trying to buy Arizona to retake the Senate majority and the Presidency. I'm all in to stop the Democrats from trying to buy our State -- will you join me?

Show the Democrats and their elite billionaire backers that Arizona is not for sale!

Thank you,

Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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