The CRP launched about a month ago and I have been busy putting the pieces together since then. It simply wouldn’t be possible to run a congressional campaign and grow the party at the same time. We are, however, considering a run at the state level under the CRP.Â
The focus of the CRP, along with the guiding principles aren’t that different from my campaign – small, limited government (as envisioned by the original reading of the constitution) and the protection of our freedoms and liberties.
 As we move forward, the CRP will strive to keep the platform small, and limited to those principles. This will give CRP candidates the maximum freedom to develop their own platforms as long as they stick to those two overarching principles.  Â
My complaint with the BIG parties remains – they expect loyalty to the party first and foremost, they expect the candidate or the representative to be a vassal to the party. The CRP is not looking for vassals but partners, those that will work together towards a common cause.
In 2024, the primary focus of the party will be to recruit and support a candidate for US Senate, with the goal of reaching 5% in that race. That 5% would give us major party status in MN and grant us ballot access for all races. This is within reach! We do not expect a major push from the GOP against Amy Klobachar, and it was clear in 2022 how ineffective the GOP was in state races.Â
Once again, I thank all of you for your support. I will be rolling this email list into the list for the new party next week. If you want to be excluded from that list please feel free to unsubscribe, however I do hope you’ll stick around. Â
I will maintain my campaign website until we formally decide whether or not we will run for state office, at which time we will adjust the domain and content.