We’re running out of time to save our planet

Whitehouse for Senate


If you’ve ever wondered why Congress seems incapable of tackling the root causes of the climate crisis, a big part of the answer is dark money.

The fossil fuel industry funded a decades-long public relations campaign to try to convince people not to believe their own eyes. The same big polluters pour dark money into Republican political campaigns – propping up candidates who preach phony climate denialism and spending gobs of money against candidates who don’t cater to the fossil fuel industry’s every wish. The Republican Party is too beholden to corporate money to cross the fossil fuel industry and stand up for the American people.

I refuse to let the fossil fuel industry’s dark money push our planet to the brink of destruction. If you’re with me, chip in anything you can to my campaign right now >>

We already have the technology to lead the planet to safety and grow the green economy. But as long as poisonous dark money continues to saturate our politics, there’s no bipartisan path forward to get this done.

I believe we will avert climate disaster if we can get dark money out of politics – but time is running short. So please, as I continue to take on the fossil fuel industry to eradicate dark money and save our planet, will you make a donation of $5 or more to my campaign? I can’t do this without your support.

Thank you,

Sheldon Whitehouse







Paid for by Whitehouse for Senate


Whitehouse for Senate
P.O. Box 40280
Providence, RI 02940
United States

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