We are excited to announce the relaunch of Serve America PAC and thrilled to invite you to join Congressman Moulton at the official Serve America Relaunch Celebration tonight in Washington, DC.

The celebration will be a chance for you to meet the amazing Members of Congress that Serve America helped elect in 2018. During the celebration, we’ll be announcing our re-endorsement of them as well as our first round of endorsements for new candidates running for House seats across the country!

As you know, Serve America PAC works to elect veterans and other service-driven leaders to the House of Representatives. In 2018, 40 House seats were flipped from Red to Blue; 18 of those seats were flipped by candidates endorsed and supported by Serve America. This cycle, Serve America will be working hard to defend those hard-fought seats and help a new group of candidates flip even more seats. Additional details of the relaunch celebration are below and the invitation is attached.

Serve America Relaunch Celebration
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Valor Brewing
723 8th St. SE - Washington, DC

To RSVP, please visit our link here: bit.ly/011519ServeRelaunch. If you're unable to attend the event, we would still appreciate your support. If you have any questions, please contact me at (978) 457-2215 or [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you next week at the relaunch!

Team Moulton