The new year and new semester begin with high hopes and excitement for our students. As many know, it’s time to harvest their planted seeds. Whether it’s responses to college applications or graduation, the spring semester brings endless possibilities for new beginnings for our students! This month, we continue to guide our students through their financial aid applications, both for high school seniors who aspire to attend college next year and our college students preparing for another year on campus. Securing continuous financial aid is central to our mission to help students achieve their educational goals. As students return to school for the last haul of their academic year, Fulfillment Fund Counselors and Advisors are prepared to equip them with the knowledge they need to level the field through their college years and their first steps into their careers. Our programs are designed to give students the support they need to navigate higher education from start to finish and a launching pad for their careers to help them achieve economic mobility that impacts them, their families, and their communities. |
 Striving for Equity in Education
Education equity allows all students (regardless of background) to achieve their educational goals, which will help them live a full life and contribute to society. We focus on equity because we understand that low-income students have a different starting point than students from families of greater means, and we do all we can to help level the playing field for those starting at a disadvantage. Read more.
 Come Work with Us!
Fulfillment Fund is currently looking for a Communications and Development Coordinator to join our team of passionate individuals working to transform the lives of youth in Los Angeles through the power of education. Do you or someone you know have the skills and want to make a difference? Learn more about the position and how to apply.
 Securing Financial Aid
One of the most significant hurdles our students face when it comes to college is paying for it. For some, it leads to insurmountable debt, while for others, it dissuades them from pursuing college altogether. Securing financial aid is pivotal to ensuring our students are set up for success beyond college. That’s why we host a series of Financial Aid Workshops as deadlines approach. Read more.
 Holiday Homecoming 2022
On December 20th, Fulfillment Fund’s College Success team hosted our annual Holiday Homecoming for our returning college students. Our RSVPs reached the theatre’s capacity to screen the new Avatar movie, along with fun games and giveaways. Our Communications Intern, Jayden Juco, hosted a social media take-over. Check out some of her snaps.
Thank you to our Funders! |
Check us out on social media! |
6100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 600, Los Angeles, CA 90048