
Friday January 13, 8:00 pm Symposium

As was made very clear in the Symposium last week about Mozart's librettist Lorenzo DaPonte, who brought the best of Italian culture to New York City and the United States, and collaborated with leading American revolutionary intellectuals, culture is a great part of the fight for liberty.? We can see that now in the inverse, with the attempt to "cancel" the legacy of some of the greatest American thinkers.? My guests tomorrow will discuss the contribution of the great classical composer G.F. Handel in Ireland, including the origins of his famous oratorio "The Messiah."?

Below is the link on Rumble to my presentation at the January 8th policy discussion, "Can Nuclear War be Averted?"? Please sign up for a free Rumble account, if you don't have one, and follow me on Rumble.

Friday, January 13, 8:00 pm: G.F. Handel Against the Empire

Below is my speech from last Sunday's incredible event.



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