![]() Patriot, For decades, the Deep State – also known as the Surveillance State – has been watching everything you do and tearing down every constitutional barrier in its ability to do so. The government knows how much money you make, and how you make it. As Edward Snowden’s disclosures revealed, they track your every phone call. They know whether you’ve taken the ill-tested, experimental Covid vaccines. They know your energy bills, where you travel, and . . . your politics. And as we’ve repeatedly noted, they want to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency – not only to destroy the last of your financial privacy, but to control what you can and cannot buy. The globalists have been salivating at the notion of using a Central Bank Digital Currency for social engineering. As one central banker put it: “You could think of giving your children pocket money but
programming the money so that it couldn’t be used for sweets. There is a whole range of things that money could do, programmable money,
which we cannot do with the current technology.” In Communist China, they’ve made it official, instituting a “social credit score” to stamp out any dissent from the government’s policies. It’s not in widespread use here – yet – but they’re building the infrastructure to make it all possible. It’s the central thread of every major issue, from gun rights (universal gun registration) to vaccines passports; from the Central Bank Digital Currency to . . . the TSA. Tell Your Representative
to DEFUND THE TSA! The TSA isn’t just groping hapless American passengers at their checkpoints: they’re using facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence to identify you and decide whether you’re too much of a “risk” to “allow” to travel. Already, American citizen political activists have been placed on the “No Fly List.” The last time the list was leaked in 2013, it included 47,000 people. In December, the TSA, an agency within Biden’s Department of Homeland Security, acknowledged it has significantly expanded facial recognition technology at security checkpoints in airports across the United States. Under the expanded program, 16 of the nation’s largest airports are now using face scans as a way to verify the identities of travelers, including in Atlanta, Boston, Denver, and Los Angeles. The TSA’s initial test facial recognition program started under the Trump administration in 2017. If the new program is deemed successful, the TSA plans to expand facial recognition at airports nationwide, making it one of the largest efforts to collect advanced biometric data of law-abiding citizens in U.S. history. The TSA has yet to provide data on the accuracy of the facial scans, yet they are expanding the program. And the situation is eerily similar to the IRS's push last tax season to require facial recognition scans for Americans to access their tax returns. This was met with fierce backlash over privacy concerns and ultimately scrapped. One of the many worries over the tax collector's program was data breaches, and the TSA already had its facial data breached in 2019. But there is hope, Patriot. Despite opposing parties controlling the U.S. House and Senate, the House of Representatives alone can refuse to provide continued funding for the TSA and restore responsibility for airport security to the private sector where it belongs. Tell Your Representative
to DEFUND THE TSA! It’s all part of the Surveillance State agenda . . . and you don’t have to connect many dots to see it. A Central Bank Digital Currency to spy on and control how you spend your money. . . A Vaccine Passport to make you surrender your bodily autonomy. . . A Green New Deal to prevent you from enjoying the benefits of civilization. . . A Universal Gun Registry and Red Flag legislation to confiscate your right to self-defense if you step out of line. . . And a Transportation Security Administration to help build their network to control you in every possible way. These systems can be used to conduct general suspicion-less surveillance of law-abiding Americans that could easily be tied into the government’s other databases or watch lists and lead to the targeted harassment of passengers who frequently opt-out or stand up for their Fourth Amendment rights in our airports. Just two months ago, a Georgia man was arrested on a fugitive warrant for luxury purse thefts in Louisiana. The arrest was triggered through the use of facial recognition technology. Never mind the accused had never been to Louisiana in his life. He spent nearly a week in jail before the government realized their error. And now the TSA wants to use this same technology to screen travelers. But now that Republicans are in the House majority and they have agreed to major changes in the rules – including dividing the budget into 12 separate bills, opening up the process for amendments, and putting a spotlight on government abuses of power – they alone can force the defunding of the TSA – and they will, if enough patriotic Americans DEMAND they do so! Tell Your Representative
to DEFUND THE TSA! Why do we put up with it? Why don’t the American people stand up and fight back? Are we cattle – simply relying on the government to make us safe and secure? When will we stand up and say, “Enough is enough!”? We have to wake up and say, “We’ve had it!” How many Americans will be stripped of their dignity and subjected to the invasive and dehumanizing screening procedures? We know what happens in totalitarian countries like China, where facial recognition and AI are used to spy on and profile all of their citizens, complete with a “social credit score” that is used to strip troublemakers of their basic rights. Airports are the Deep State’s test environment for these technologies here in America. Now that we have a new majority and new rules in the House, it’s time to DEMAND our lawmakers defund the TSA. Tell Your Representative to DEFUND THE TSA!
Patriot, I'm grateful that Campaign for Liberty has the support of good folks like you and hope you know it means the world having folks like you standing alongside us to fight to restore lost freedoms and defend the freedoms we have left. This new session has seen greater procedural victories in the House than we’ve had in many years. Now it’s time to demand they follow through on policy. And the TSA is a great place to start. Patriot, when it comes down to it, since 9/11, alert passengers and crew have kept each other safe from attempted terrorist attacks in the air – not a bloated, ineffective, and invasive government bureaucracy. This year should mark the first year we begin to keep our fellow passengers safe from the Transportation Security Administration. Are you with me? If so, please don’t just sign your directive to your Representative. . . Please make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us continue to spread the word and mobilize patriots like you. We need to reach many more Americans and activate them to be involved for liberty’s sake too. Can you give a donation of $50 today? If not $50, can you make a donation of $20? Or perhaps you can help us expand this program to defund the TSA gropers with a donation of $100, $500, or even $1,000 today. We have a tremendous opportunity with this new House to press a bold agenda, one that will get bills, hearings, and most importantly, roll call votes. But to do so will take organized pressure. Campaign for Liberty is prepared to bring this to bear, but with more support, the more irons we can put in the fire. So please sign your petition, telling Congress to defund the TSA. And then, please make a generous contribution as well to keep us in the fight! For liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. For too long the American people have been stripped of their dignity and subjected to invasive and dehumanizing screening procedures at the hands of the Transportation Security Administration. Now you and I have an opportunity to fight back and hold aggressive screeners accountable for their actions – and in the process expose the TSA’s failed policies for all to see. After you sign your petition to Congress demanding they defund the TSA, will you make your largest possible donation to help Campaign for Liberty gear up to fight back against the TSA’s grope-and-scan screening procedures? Can you give a donation of $50 today? If not $50, can you make a donation of $20? Or perhaps you can help us expand this program to de-fund the TSA gropers with a donation of $100, $500, or even $1,000 today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
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