
Agenda for a New Congress


Our Winter 2023 issue features:

 Stephen Bryen

Adam Milstein

Lauri B. Regan and Sarah Stern

Peter Huessy

Eric Rozenman

Daren Bakst and Richard Stern

Katy Talento

Jonathan S. Tobin

John Paul Wright, Matt DeLisi and Rafael A. Mangual

Shoshana Bryen reviews Indispensable Nation

An inFOCUS interview with Sen. Norm Coleman

"Every time a new Congress is sworn in, America’s hopes rise. Maybe THIS time our representatives will actually represent us, not their own desires and predilections. Maybe THIS time the Senate will again deserve the title, “The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body.” The Winter 2023 issue of inFOCUS Quarterly is our set of priorities for Congress. Things we hope it will do, things we hope it won’t..."

– JPC Executive Director Matthew Brooks

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