Why do Beacon Hill Dems want Planned Parenthood to teach your children about sex?
Evan Lips, communications director
617-523-5005 ext. 245
WOBURN -- The Democrat-led Massachusetts state Senate on Thursday is expected to pass legislation that would foist a Planned Parenthood-crafted sex education curriculum mandate upon the commonwealth’s local school districts.
“The so-called 'Act Relative to Healthy Youth'
is nothing more than a cash-grab designed to increase both Planned Parenthood’s bottom line and their influence,” Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Jim Lyons said. “Their number-one source of revenue comes from abortions, and with those numbers dropping, this maneuver achieves two things:
“It allows Planned Parenthood to syphon more taxpayer dollars, and at the same time promotes a reckless curriculum encouraging children to participate in dangerous sexual activity, all under the mask of progressivism.”
On Monday, Democratic lawmakers introduced several amendments. State Sen. Becca Rausch, a Democrat from Needham, introduced an amendment striking a requirement to teach “benefits of abstinence and delaying sexual activity” in favor of a requirement to teach “the potential physical and emotional health outcomes of sexual activity.”
“Why would our schools be teaching children something that is clearly a violation of our own existing laws?” Lyons said.
“Maybe it’s time that the parents of school-age children let the Legislature know how outrageous this proposal is,” Lyons said. “The only winners in this legislation are Planned Parenthood and the Democrats they shower with campaign donations.”