CNN: The far-right has won the Speaker's Gavel

John, we won’t sugarcoat it: Trump’s far-right MAGA allies are in control of Congress. 

And it’s just a matter of time before they try to roll back all of the progress our Democrats fought so hard for. 

Under NO circumstances can we let that happen. So we’re asking -- no, BEGGING -- you to rush in $3 before midnight to defeat these extremist, power-hungry Republicans before they completely destroy President Biden’s bold agenda. If we want any hope of protecting our progress, we need to retake our House Majority ASAP -- and that starts with your $3 at this historic moment. >>

John, we can’t let Republicans’ power grab go on unchallenged. 

Because the last time Donald Trump and his Republicans held power, they:

RESTRICTED access to reproductive rights…

UNDERMINED our democracy with outrageous election lies…

→ and INCITED a deadly insurrection at our nation’s Capitol.

We simply can’t afford to let them wreak havoc for a single second longer.

But if we’re going to boot them out of power, we need you with us -- now more than EVER before.

So please, John: Can you rush $3 to kick obstructionist Republicans out of power, hand the Speaker’s gavel to Hakeem Jeffries, and protect President Biden’s historic agenda once and for all? We need your support now more than ever. >>
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We’re working hard to elect House Democrats -- and put an end to Republicans' obstruction for good. President Biden can't do it all. We need all hands on deck if we’re going to fight back against Republicans and flip the House. Our success relies on grassroots supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $18. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click here. If you'd like to make an online donation, click here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

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