NeW chapters are speaking out for conservatism on campus.
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Dear John,  

Happy NeW Year! As an organization, we are proud of our chapters across the country who work hard to bring leadership training and intellectual diversity to their college campuses. One of those chapters is NeW at the University of South Florida.

Last semester, Judge Jeanine Pirro, former New York State Judge, Prosecutor, and Host on Fox News, visited the women on campus where she encouraged them to stand strong in their conservative beliefs. The chapter also started a meaningful dialogue on campus as they read and discussed, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier, which examines the data around young women and transgenderism.  

Additionally, the chapter brought leadership and professional development resources for conservative women to their campus. This past October they hosted Leah Nalepa, Manager of Professional Development at Hillsdale College, on ways to succeed in the workplace. She shared with the women how their style can influence the way people perceive them in the workplace and how they can put their best foot forward.    

NeW at the University of South Florida has successfully brought these important conversations to campus, despite leftist backlash and bias. Last fall the chapter experienced a fellow student tearing down their flyers around campus and posting about it on social media. Rather than cower and stay silent, the women collaborated with NeW to stand up to the bully and draw attention to her narrow thinking.  

NeW at the University of South Florida is just one example of the many NeW chapters across the country that are working to empower conservative women to be the next generation of leaders.  

“I am thankful for NeW because it gives me a sense of belonging  and it has given me friends that will last a lifetime!” shared Hadley Hiles, Social Media Director for NeW at the University of South Florida. “NeW has also given me so many resources and opportunities that have helped me learn and grow my knowledge about many topics.”  

Do you know a young woman who would benefit from getting involved in an empowering conservative community? Will you please share this newsletter with her so she can make the most of her new year.

Happy NeW Year!  

Kathryn Alford
NeW Communications Director
The Gentlemen Showcase
Is there a conservative gentleman in your life who embodies honor, service, and chivalry?

The Gentlemen Showcase opens January 30. This contest gives women the opportunity to nominate the quality men they know for the chance to win $500 for themselves and the gentleman they nominate. Winners will also win prizes from brands including Kendra Scott and Makeup America.

Learn more about this program and start thinking about the man you want to nominate this year.
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