It's a bloody invasion and yet not one legacy media outlet has covered it. On the contrary, they are militantly covering for it.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Biden Released More Illegals in Three Months Than the Entire Population of Montana
It's a bloody invasion and yet not one legacy media outlet has covered it. On the contrary, they are militantly covering for it.

The country is in the throes of a totalitarian coup and hald the country is too dumb, too apathetic, or too ...

On The Ballot in May: Oregon Counties To Vote To SECEDE (Escape) From Oregon and Join “Greater Idaho”
This is getting interesting. The movement proposes to add fifteen conservative rural Oregon counties to Idaho to escape the left-wing madness.


SECESSION: Oregon Counties Will Vote To Secede From Oregon This November And Join ...

China Increased Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign
The corruption and criminality is shocking. And the media writes press releases to cover up this astonishing corruption.

Related: Trump Claims China 'Saw the Classified Documents' at Biden's Think Tank

Tucker (@TuckerCarlson): “The whole ...

Jihadi Who Murdered Eight People in NYC Was In the U.S. on a Diversity Visa
Jihad immigration, Another grateful recipient of the “diversity visa program.” Paying us back in spades.


Nothing to do with Islam? Halloween Jihadi Sayfullo Saipov’s Islamic Documents, “There is no god but Allah, and ...

BBC Sued for Setting Up Global Network of “News” Liars and Corporate Censors
There is conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact. This is proof of an active, terrible conspiracy against freedom loving people. The media is the enemy of the people. Their goal was to “stamp them out and choke” the independent sites (like Geller ...

Israel: The Left is trying to set the country on fire, start a civil war and destroy democracy
Israel President Isaac Herzog called on politicians to “tone it down” as the Left uses increasingly inflammatory rhetoric regarding the new government plans – which is implementing what the people have voted for.

Prime Minister Benjamin ...

U.S. Navy Intercepts More Than 2,000 Assault Rifles Shipped from Iran
The rifles were en route to the Houthis. Iran's terror proxy in Yemen. But the Biden Administration will still not resume President Trump's maximum pressure campaign against Iran. The Republican House of Representatives must act.

U.S. Navy ...

16-Year-Old Basketball Player Suffers Stroke While in School
The deaths among the young are escalating. What's it going to take to get action against this deadly big pharma/government cabal?

16-Year-Old Basketball Player Suffers Stroke While in School

By: Jim Hoft,  TPG, January2023:

On Tuesday ...

Kindergarten Student in Ohio Dies Suddenly

Where are the Covid vaccine daily death numbers? Remember the 24/7 on-screen Covid death numbers (that were wildly inflated)?  Or vax status of victims. Remember when you HAD to declare your vaccine — 'papers, please!' Now it's ...

17-Year-Old Basketball Player Dies Suddenly at Home
Teenagers having heart attacks are not normal. They were exceedingly rare. Now it's common.

The lead author of peer reviewed research re-analyzing the Pfizer and Moderna trials on the mRNA vaccine, Joseph Fraiman calls for an IMMEDIATE HALT of ...

17-Year-Old High School Student in Ohio Dies Suddenly From “Cardiac Arrest” At School
The young are dropping dead and the Democrats continue to force this deadly poison on our young.


Vaxxed Into Early Graves: This Week’s Young Victims Who Died Suddenly….
Died Suddenly: Two NFL Football Players ...

US Air Force Academy Cadet Died Suddenly While Walking to Class
People need to start going to jail.

Air Force Academy Offensive Lineman and Cadet Hunter Brown Dies Suddenly While Walking to Class

By Jim Hoft, TPG, January 10, 2023 at 4:02pm

Offensive lineman for the Air Force Academy football team ...

FAA Halts all U.S. Flights in Massive Nationwide Failure
ALL domestic flights are grounded for the first time since 9/11. The country is going to hell under these destroyers.

Billions for Ukraine, billions for illegals while the country sinks and starves.

$75-80 billion to Ukraine to line ...

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