URGENT ACTION NEEDED: STOP ruthless trophy hunters from violently killing innocent bear cubs this year!
At this exact moment, bear families are huddled together for hibernation season, trying to survive the harsh winter -- but even inside their dens, they are FAR FROM SAFE.
That’s because, in 2016, the Trump Administration overturned a crucial ban that would PROHIBIT the inhumane murdering of bears. Trophy hunters were even incentivized and rewarded with massive handouts for their BRUTAL KILLINGS.
And today, it’s still completely LEGAL to violently slaughter these beloved animals while they sleep peacefully in their dens. Helpless bear cubs and mama bears are in grave danger RIGHT NOW, Friend. Will you sign our petition to protect bears from cruel trophy hunting? ADD YOUR NAME >>
Bears are one of the most iconic mammals in our country, symbolizing North American wilderness, nature, and perseverance. But these native animals that once roamed freely have lost much of their historic range, and bear populations are declining. Meanwhile, rampant trophy hunting is pushing these treasured animals even closer to extinction.
Every year, it’s estimated that about 50,000 BEARS are LEGALLY hunted in the U.S., which doesn’t even account for the unknown number that are poached illegally.
Unless we stand up for these defenseless animals and demand critical protections, vicious trophy hunters will continue to recklessly MASSACRE them. TAKE ACTION NOW: Add your name to help SAVE BEARS from being violently wiped out by trophy hunters! >>
Thank you for protecting bears,
Friends of the Earth