Thank you for being in this fight. 

When the Fair Fight team pushes to make voting more accessible in a state like Georgia, we mobilize advocates for on-the-ground action. But behind that group is an even bigger movement, with thousands of donors who chip in $5, $10, or $20 to make everything possible.

With you by our side as we hit the ground running in 2023, we’ll continue to work tirelessly to protect the freedom to vote. And we’ll continue to stand up against anti-voter politicians who try desperately to silence our voices and stifle our power.

In the last decade, I’ve seen a big shift in progressive fundraising. More and more, the number of people who are getting involved and chipping in is the number that matters most, because it shows the depth, breadth, and power of our team. $5 alone could be a poster in a rally for voting rights, and when added to many other online donations, it becomes a well-organized march that demands to be heard.

Our strength is in numbers and with supporters like you, we can grow even stronger.

As we dive into this new year, there will only be more opportunities to continue making tangible change in our communities. And we’ll need to scale up our efforts to protect the freedom to vote in elections to come. The fact is, what we raise in 2023 will decide how much we can invest in electing more pro-democracy candidates, expanding ballot access, and shattering voter turnout records in 2024.

So thank you in advance for sticking with us for the work to come! 

In solidarity,

Emily Laskar
Director of Development, Fair Fight