Friend, after working at NILC for more than 26 years, I can tell you that securing meaningful change takes time — sometimes even decades.

Although the work can be exhausting, the result — when a new law or policy is in place — confirms that the years of advocacy is worth it.

Take improving access to health care, for example. California could become the first state to offer comprehensive public health coverage to low-income residents, regardless of their immigration status or age. In addition to California, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Washington now cover older adults or seniors, regardless of their immigration status. And 40 states have elected federal options to cover lawfully residing children or pregnant people, offer prenatal care regardless of immigration status, or use state funds to cover certain immigrants.

Inclusive education policies continued to gain ground, when Arizona voters repealed the restrictions in a 2006 initiative, and adopted a tuition equity law last November. At least 23 states, representing 82% of the country’s foreign-born residents, now offer in-state tuition rates to students who meet certain criteria, regardless of their status. At least 17 provide financial aid or scholarships to eligible undocumented students — an increase from the 4 states that offered aid to these students a decade ago.

In 18 states, undocumented residents have, or will soon have, access to a driver’s license. This number has grown substantially since 2012, when only 3 states issued driver’s licenses or cards to eligible individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

Building on these victories, campaigns to provide a safety net for excluded workers, food for all, expand access to health care, driver’s licenses, higher education, and more will continue in the coming years.

We are in this fight for the long haul, friend. State and local organizing by immigrants and allies, with support from NILC, is making an impact —and we are so glad you are here with us.


Tanya Broder
Senior Attorney
National Immigration Law Center

*Read our full report, A Decade of State Immigrant Rights Victories: Moving Toward Health Care and Economic Justice for All