Hello Friend,
Welcome to my e-newsletter, the Ready Room. As a retired Naval Aviator, the Ready Room is special to me because it’s where fellow aviators meet to brief and debrief missions. This is my weekly briefing to you on my mission in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for regular updates on how my team and I are working to serve you in Congress.
Welcome to FL-18!
Welcome to our constituents joining us in the new 18th congressional district! It's an honor and privilege to serve you. I also want to thank those who migrated with us from the former 15th district for your continued support. We wouldn't be here without you and I’m grateful to still be your congressman.
As we begin the 118th Congress, we have a new opportunity to address the issues most important to you. We no longer have single party rule in Washington. My Republican colleagues and I will serve as a much needed check on the Biden administration agenda and lay the groundwork to put our country back on to the path of freedom and prosperity. I encourage each of you to reach out with your concerns and to let us know how we can help you. We offer a wide variety of constituent services which you can learn more about by clicking here. Here's to a happy New Year and new Congress!
The Start of a New Congress

With the election for House Speaker behind us, my colleagues and I look forward to delivering on the promises we made to the American public. Primary among those is restoring fiscal responsibility and regular order to our legislative process. We Floridians appreciate and respect the benefits of transparency afforded by government “In the Sunshine.” Taking the time necessary for deliberation and debate of our Rules Package for the 118th Congress before confirming the Speaker may have seemed tedious and frustrating to outside observers, but was absolutely critical to setting out on the right course. Under Speaker McCarthy's leadership, we will pass and send legislation to the Senate that curbs soaring inflation, secures our border, helps restore American energy independence, bolsters our military and counters the looming threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party. Equally important, we will hold the Biden administration accountable by engaging in rigorous committee oversight. Click here to read my statement on Speaker McCarthy's election.
Honoring a Hometown Hero

Lakeland native Corporal Ron Payne, Jr. graduated from Mulberry High School in 1999 and enlisted in the Marine Corps. He deployed to Iraq in 2003 and then volunteered to return to combat in Afghanistan. On May 7th, 2004, Ron was tragically killed during a firefight, making him the first Marine killed in ground combat in Tawara, Kandahar Province. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with Valor for saving the life of Staff Sgt. Jason Thompson, who was surrounded after being wounded during the exchange.
To memorialize his service and sacrifice, I introduced a bill to name a Lakeland Post Office in his honor. It passed the House and Senate, and was signed into law by the president. America can never repay our debt to Ronald Payne, but we can express our gratitude for his selfless sacrifice on behalf of our liberty. Corporal Ronald Payne is a true American hero. Now when Lakeland residents visit this Post Office, they will see his name and learn of his sacrifice.
Hurricane Ian and Nicole Disaster Relief now Available
Those impacted by Hurricane Ian and/or Nicole can apply for federal assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA). Individuals and businesses impacted by both storms MUST apply for aid separately for each storm. Click here to learn more about available resources. Visit my website to learn how we can assist.
Test Your Knowledge #CivicsWithScott!
Which of the following is NOT a duty of the Speaker of the House?
A. House presiding officer
B. Party leader
C. House clerk
D. House administrative head
Last Question
Which president began the tradition of placing a Christmas tree in the White House?
A. George Washington
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Teddy Roosevelt
D. Benjamin Harrison - CORRECT ANSWER
I’m honored to represent you in Congress. For more information on constituent services, current legislation, and to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit my website at franklin.house.gov.
Best regards,
C. Scott Franklin Member of Congress