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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.

How Washington Can Avert A Disastrous Debt Default With A Weak House Speaker
By Ben Ritz
Director of PPI's Center for Funding America’s Future
For Forbes

It took Representative Kevin McCarthy 15 ballots to be elected House speaker last week — the longest such contest since before the Civil War. Now McCarthy's concessions to the far right in that process will leave him as the weakest speaker in generations and likely lead to the most dangerous game of budget brinkmanship in Washington since 2011. Leaders across both parties must work quickly to avoid an unprecedented debt default disaster.

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3 Climate Takeaways from the GOP Speaker Meltdown, ft. Paul Bledsoe, Strategic Advisor for PPI
E&E News

Florida Congressman Maxwell Frost on the Power of Gen Z, Family, and Organizing, ft. Curtis Valentine, Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America's Schools
Teen Vogue

The think tanks roll into Techistan, ft. Jordan Shapiro, Economic and Data Policy Analyst for PPI, and Malena Dailey, Technology Policy Analyst for PPI

Trade Fact of the Week: The U.S. has not in the past defaulted on debt

PPI's Trade Fact of the Week


ICYMI: Charter school innovation shouldn’t come at the expense of constitutional protections for students
By Tressa Pankovits
Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America's Schools
For The Hill

On Monday, we’ll likely learn whether the U.S. Supreme Court granted a writ of certiorari(review of a lower court’s decision)during its first conference of 2023 on Jan. 6 in a public charter school case with constitutional implications. The case is a battle over school uniforms — skirts, to be precise. But don’t let the seemingly trivial subject matter fool you. Much more than a mere sartorial regulation is at stake, as demonstrated by the plethora of amicus briefs filed by conservative religious organizations urging the court to take the case.

Peltier et al. v. Charter Day School was prompted by three North Carolina parents’ distaste for Charter Day School’s (CDS) requirement that their daughters wear only skirts to school. Pants, after all, are warmer in winter. The girls also complained of feeling reticent to use playground equipment or crawl on the floor during active shooter drills and felt discouraged that they weren’t as deserving of freedom of movement as their male classmates.
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Webinar: Platform Work and the Care Economy
  • Wednesday, January 18th at 2:00 PM ET
This webinar with Dr. Michael Mandel and an esteemed panel of experts will discuss how the stress of this immense burden can be eased by the availability of flexible platform work, including companies such as Lyft, Uber, Doordash, and Instacart. Platform work provides an alternative that offers better scheduling and earning opportunities for unpaid caregivers. We’ll also discuss the possibility that platform work may help narrow the longstanding gender gap in unpaid caregiving.
Webinar: New Skills for a New Economy: The Rising Importance & Popularity of Youth Career Development
  • Thursday, January 19th at 2:00 PM ET
Join us for a one-hour Zoom webinar on the importance of preparing young people for career success. Speakers will discuss the policies and practices they are championing in their states and communities as well as the rising political will to ensure young people learn the skills needed to succeed in the U.S. economy.

PPI Launches Paper on The Role of Natural Gas in Reducing Asia's Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Don't miss this report authored by the Progressive Policy Institute’s Paul Bledsoe and environmental economist Clayton Munnings finds that China and other Asian nations are rapidly moving toward natural gas to displace coal — but their efforts will not yield significant climate benefits if they don’t cut imports of high-methane leaking Russian gas. The report, which is the second in a series of papers on natural gas, is entitled “The Role of Natural Gas in Reducing Asia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions.”

PPI argues Asian countries can reduce coal by substituting cleaner-burning liquefied natural gas (LNG), but must acknowledge that Russian gas piped to China emits higher emissions than Chinese coal. Thus, any pretense by China that using Russian gas reduces its overall emissions is false. This warning comes as Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi announced a new proposal for a gas pipeline from Russia to China, called the “Power of Siberia 2.”
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MOSAIC MOMENT: 4 Bipartisan Financial Imperatives for the 118th Congress

On this month’s Mosaic Moment, program director and host, Jasmine Stoughton, sits down with Kirsten Wegner, CEO of the Modern Markets Initiative to talk about her latest op-ed outlining the four bipartisan imperatives to ensure safe and sound capital markets. 

Decoding China's Zero COVID Protests ft. James Palmer
How successful was China's 'Zero COVID' policy really?  And what does it mean that the Chinese Communist Party has now abandoned it and COVID is spreading throughout the country? James Palmer of Foreign Policy joins the podcast to discuss COVID in China, the CCP's response, and what this means for more than one billion Chinese people. 
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