Dear John

The 2023 General Assembly session has just begun, and we're already seeing a record number of bills targeting transgender and nonbinary youth. Let me be clear– we will do everything to defeat any bill attacking our youth.

We know that many of you have concerns around the near constant stream of bills being filed. Equality Virginia is working as quickly as possible to review all new legislation that is filed, and will continue to update our 2023 Bill Tracker with our stance and relevant actions. Lawmakers have until Friday January 20th to introduce bills. While there’s so much that we already know, we expect to have a fuller, clearer picture closer to the 20th. 

Every Monday of session, Equality Virginia will publish our Monday Memo– a new weekly email series that will provide a recap of the previous week, preview the week ahead and what we expect (committee hearings, bill movement, key votes, etc.), and how you can best engage and make an impact. Our first Monday Memo will also include background information and talking points about the bills we’re tracking and strongly oppose.

But we don’t need to wait to advocate for transgender and non-binary youth. Here are three things you can do right now to push back on dangerous legislation being filed by anti-equality lawmakers:

  1. Take Action Now. Although we are still monitoring and reviewing bills as they are filed, there are a few anti-trans bills that clearly stand out and demand action now. Click the link above to send an email to your VA Senator and Delegate letting them know you oppose these bills. It takes 2 minutes, via this page, to advocate for trans and nonbinary youth.
  2. Use our new 2023 Bill Tracker to stay informed and get engaged. Our tracker will update when the Virginia Legislative Information System updates, so you’ll get timely information if and when bills are moving through the process. You’ll also be able to take action via Action Alerts that we share in the tracker. Stay tuned for our app that will send push notifications when the tracker updates!
  3. Attend a 2023 LGBTQ+ Lobby Day. Lobbying is sharing your point of view, story, or lived experience with your legislator to influence them to support or oppose certain bills. We are hosting 5 Lobby Days to give participants a chance to get an in-depth look at the legislative process, learn about the anti-LGBTQ+ bills being proposed during this year’s session, and get trained on key talking points to help guide your conversation with your legislator. RSVP now.
    1. If you are unable to attend a Lobby Day this year, but would like to support our work and help increase access for attendees throughout Virginia, you can donate to our Lobby Day fund here.

Lastly, I want to remind all of you that lawmakers at the General Assembly don’t get to decide how authentically and fiercely we live our lives. As LGBTQ+ people we make those decisions for ourselves, and for our community, every day. 

I encourage you to keep being who you are. Let’s show those in power that our Commonwealth is beautiful because we’re here and we belong.


In solidarity for the work ahead,

Narissa S. Rahaman (she/her)

Executive Director

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