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Dear Friends and Partners,
Happy new year, happy start to our Decade of Action on the global goals! Greetings on behalf of the UN SDG Action Campaign team.
What an intense year we leave behind us! Together we mobilized, inspired and connected people everywhere to speed up the transformation of our world. We:
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Created the most impactful SDG Global Festival of Action ([link removed]) ever, with 1,700 participants from 150 countries, and discovered the top 8 SDG innovators and creatives ([link removed]) .
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Showcased the SDGs at major music festivals ([link removed]) and the Para-Athletics World Championships in Dubai ([link removed]) , the first global sports event to rally around the SDGs. That started a trend we intend to continue.
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Dreamed up the UN SDG Action Zone to bring the world to the UN and the UN to the outside world ([link removed]) during the General Assembly, with an emphasis on breaking mind molds and embracing new ideas.
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Cheered the UN Deputy Secretary-General ([link removed]) as she joined influencers everywhere to launch the SDG Butterfly Effect, a pioneering - and fabulously beautiful - use of arts and technology energizing people to act. ([link removed])
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Mobilized 21 million people and 1,000 cities in 180 countries ([link removed]) to take actions during the Global Week to #Act4SDGs.
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Backed the launch of a new Decade of Action for the People and the Planet, and contributed to the biggest ever global conversation ([link removed]) to reshape the United Nations and realize the future people want.
The momentum is huge. It’s building. What’s next in 2020?
We will colour the world with the SDGs, kicking off with the SDG Global Festival of Action (1-3 April in Bonn) ([link removed]) . SDG butterflies will travel the globe, so that each first flutter of a wing inspires another and another, until changes sweep every part of the planet.
We will collaborate with the International Paralympic Committee and creative partners to bring the SDGs to people from Tokyo to Durban, from Dubai to Mexico City, Porto or Barcelona.
Much more is in store ([link removed]) . ([link removed]) Join us on a journey of always soaring aspirations and inspiring actions. The Decade of Action is in our hands, and it starts now.
As always, thanks for your support!
Marina Ponti,
Director of the UN SDG Action Campaign
Stay up to date with news, announcements and the best stories from the global movement taking action for the global goals and help us spread the word.
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Copyright © 2020, UN SDG Action Campaign, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
UN SDG Action Campaign, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn
[email protected] (mailto:
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