From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Living with Long COVID Support Group
Date January 11, 2023 4:45 PM
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** Living with Long COVID Support Group

** Wednesdays, January 25–March 8
4 pm ET/3 pm CT/1 pm PT

This online support group aims to provide live and discussion-oriented support to help participants process the experience of living with long COVID, an illness that is poorly defined and treated with skepticism. At the same time, participants will support each other in coping with symptoms that defy diagnosis, and for which few treatment options may exist. As rules and regulations around long COVID change in real time, this group holds space for clients to share information about their shifting medical landscape together.

This support group is available to anyone living in the United States, Puerto Rico and US territories. Space is limited; a pre-group interview is required.

Please note that this is not a psychotherapy group and does not provide mental health treatment. If you are in need of mental health support, please learn more and reach out to the Entertainment Community Fund: ([link removed]) .
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