Republicans want a cover-up but we need a fair trial. Protect the Investigation
Here’s the latest -- 
Today, the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. A trial to decide whether or not to remove the president could begin as soon as next week.
But top Senate Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, are attempting to cover up Trump's abuse of power -- sweeping witnesses and documents under the rug, coordinating with the White House, and refusing to review the facts of the case.
We deserve a fair and balanced trial. Anything less is a disservice to the American people.
Putting in a call to your representative is how we remind them of their constitutional duty. Their responsibility is to you, not Mitch McConnell and certainly not to the president. This is our democracy and we have a responsibility to defend it.
More to come --
The Protect the Investigation Team


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