With right-wing extremists at the helm, the Supreme Court represents one of the greatest threats to labor rights today. And, at a time when workers across the country are standing up for their rights in the workplace, this illegitimate Court could go after the right to strike.


It will all only get worse unless we restore balance to our judiciary by adding seats to the Court. 

Protect working people: expand the Court

Just this morning, the Court heard arguments in Glacier Northwest, Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174¹ — a case that could allow companies to fine unions for operational expenses when workers go on strike, discouraging workers from striking in the future. 


The entire point of a strike is that employees can impose costs on their employers in order to negotiate for better wages, benefits, or working conditions. If the right-wing justices side with Glacier NW in this case, it would shift the balance of power further towards employers and leave workers with one less tool to fight for their rights.


Our allies in the labor movement are the most effective counterweight against powerful corporate interests — so, of course, the right-wing judges on the Supreme Court have long made unions a key target. Even before Donald Trump and Senate Republicans stole two Supreme Court seats, the Roberts Court had already issued some of the most anti-labor rulings in the Court’s history. 


This case represents the latest bad-faith effort by the right-wing justices to strip working people of their rights in order to help out their rich & powerful friends. And, we believe an effective way to fight back against the right-wing justices' sustained assault on the American labor movement² is to keep pushing for structural reforms that can rebalance this illegitimate Court.  


Add your name to out petition today to let the workers know we have their backs by demanding lawmakers to expand the Supreme Court.


Over the last couple of years the labor movement has been supercharged with inspiring organizing campaigns across the country. In fact, a Gallup poll in August found that 71 percent of Americans approve of labor unions³ — the highest it’s been since 1965. It’s clear that working people are tired of being exploited by corporations and their conservative allies — and they ready to fight for their rights.


But as we celebrate the accomplishments of the labor movement, we need to confront a harsh truth: Conservatives have worked for decades to seize control of the judiciary in order to consolidate power in the hands of Republican politicians and big corporations. 


Unless we expand and rebalance the Court, corporate interests will continue to reign supreme over the rights of working Americans fighting for a living wage, dignity, and respect in their workplaces. It’s long past time we had a Supreme Court that represents the best interests of all Americans rather than just the wealthy and powerful. 


ADD YOUR NAME: Demand the expansion of the Supreme Court to support the labor movement and the millions of workers they represent.


Thank you for joining us in this fight, 


Sarah Lipton-Lubet 

Executive Director, Take Back the Court Action Fund