DC Poor People's Campaign Actions in January

Dear John


Two important events are coming up.  Please join us:

  • This Thursday January 12, Join the DC Poor People's Campaign at an InterFaith Peace Vigil at the MLK Memorial. Sign up here.
  • Next Monday, January 16, celebrate Martin Luther King Day by jmarching with fellow DC PPC activists in DC's annual MLK Peace Walk and Parade. Sign up here.

InterFaith Peace Vigil

at MLK Memorial


This Thursday, January 12th, Join CODEPINK, DC Poor Peoples Campaign, Claudia Jones School and Fellowship of Reconciliation in a call to end MLK's three evils and remember those lost by them: racism, poverty, and war. We will gather at the MLK Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC on Pisqataway Land.



March with the DC Poor People’s Campaign at the DC MLK Day Parade


Next Monday, January 16th, DC will come together for the annual Peace Walk and Martin Luther King Day Parade, continuing a DC tradition that began in 1979 - 6 years before King’s Birthday was a federal holiday - to honor Dr. King and keep his message alive. This year’s theme is “Recapture the Dream: Lift Every Voice ‘til Victory is Won”.  


Join the DC Poor People’s Campaign as we honor Dr King.  Sign up for the DC Poor People’s Campaign delegation HERE  (Get more information about the events at mlkholidaydc.org.) 

Forward Together! Not One Step Back!


Liz McNichol, Co-Chair, DC Poor People's Campaign

[email protected]