Whelp. It happened. Last night, the new majority officially gutted the Office of Congressional Ethics.
I thought it went without saying, but Americans want less corruption in Congress, not more. It seems like the only place in the country where people don’t seem to agree is the halls of Congress.
If you’re as pissed off as I am, you’re probably looking for an outlet for your anger. Fortunately, I’ve got a suggestion: help shine a light on corrupt politicians. Send your local newspaper a letter to the editor and let your community know about the absurd and backward choices the 118th Congress is already making.
The op-ed page is the most-read part of the newspaper. By submitting a letter to the editor, you can reach thousands of readers who need to hear what happened. Check out our interactive how-to page to help get you started.

Enough is enough. Confidence in government is already low because Congress consistently fails to deliver on the issues people care about. Gutting this important ethics office will only make things worse.
Help us make sure every member of the House of Representatives knows this vote to dismantle one of our only anti-corruption safeguards will not go unnoticed. Get started on your letter to the editor now.
Thanks for ringing the alarm about this unprecedented move.
Ben Levinsohn National Organizer RepresentUs
P.S. Have questions or need support drafting your letter to the editor? Shoot me an email at [email protected] or reply to this email – I’m here to help!  |