Hey there, folks!

One of my favorite things to do is traveling around Montana to hear directly from folks. My wife Sharla and I jumped in the rig this morning to hit the road to go meet with people face-to-face.

Being back home keeps me grounded, and reminds me what this work is all about — making life easier for hardworking families. 

I first ran for the Senate because I didn’t see anyone in the halls of power who looked like me. I didn’t see anyone representing my interests.

I’m the Senate’s only working farmer, and proud of it. That means I know firsthand the struggle of a bad harvest, or rising costs. These aren’t abstract issues to me, and they’re not abstract issues to the folks I’m talking to around the state, either. 

It’s time Washington stop playing political games and start coming together to find common ground on these issues. It’s possible to make real progress, and it’s our responsibility to do it. 

Can you chip in any amount today to support my work for the people of Montana so I can continue finding solutions to our most pressing concerns?

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Thanks for your support, 
