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Registration is now open for EGLE's Waste Webinar Series!
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Materials Management Division (MMD) proudly presents the Waste Webinar Series. The series was first recorded in 2016 and 2017, refreshed in 2020, and is again being refreshed in 2023. The Waste Webinar Series provides valuable information to help Michigan facilities achieve and maintain compliance with the hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-products regulations overseen by MMD. Sites handling these waste streams are encouraged to view all of the webinars that apply to their site-specific waste activities and complete the self-certification form documenting the training was completed. The webinars are introductory in nature, free, and feature firsthand experiences from MMD inspectors. Anyone responsible for environmental, health, and safety compliance would benefit from participating in and/or viewing the webinars.? ?
Participate live or view the recording by selecting the link for the ?Waste Webinar Series? under the ?Featured webinar series? column at
Upcoming webinars in the series
February 15, 10:00 - 11:00 AM Waste 101
In this webinar, attendees will learn the basics about the various types of waste, what regulations apply, to whom, and who implements the enforcement program. Attendees will come away with a big picture perspective of how the waste regulations work and what common wastes fall into the various regulations out there, including those that overlap. The webinar covers hazardous waste, liquid industrial by-products, solid waste, PCB waste, medical waste, radiological waste, and will touch on recycling.?
In this webinar, attendees will learn what inspectors look for during their site walk-through.? We will share examples of the good, the bad, and the ugly that inspectors have seen in the field. Attendees will also learn how EGLE responds when they find non-compliance matters needing correction during an inspection.??
In this webinar, attendees will learn the basic steps for determining if a waste is a hazardous waste, liquid industrial by-product, or non-hazardous solid waste and how to calculate your site's hazardous waste generator status. These concepts are vital to understanding how to properly manage and dispose of waste. It's vital because the hazardous waste regulations require each business at each site to evaluate the character and composition of their waste and determine the total weight of all hazardous waste generated each month. This session will focus on a few common waste streams while highlighting what inspectors request during inspections to verify proper characterization and generator status determinations have been made.
In this webinar, attendees will learn about the accumulation, labeling, and shipping requirements that apply to the management of hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-products at very small quantity generators, small quantity generators, and large quantity generators of hazardous waste.
In this webinar, attendees will learn about what to expect during an inspection and the specific records an inspector will want to review. It will cover records such as waste characterizations, monthly waste inventory, uniform manifests, land disposal restriction notifications, container/tank inspections, contingency plans, and more. Attendees will come away with a good idea on how they can better prepare for their next hazardous waste inspection.
In this webinar, attendees will learn the basics about Michigan's universal waste regulations. Attendees will learn why the universal waste regulations exist, what a universal waste is, and how universal waste must be handled and disposed to meet the universal waste partial exemption from hazardous waste regulation. Universal wastes in Michigan include aerosol cans, antifreeze, batteries, consumer electronics, devices containing elemental mercury, electric lamps, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. Join us to learn how to manage these common waste streams from nearly all businesses, offices, hospitals, schools, etc. and how you can ease your regulatory burden by utilizing the universal waste regulations.?
Does your facility generate or receive non-hazardous liquid waste from off-site? Liquid industrial by-products include waste streams like storm sewer and catch basin cleanout waste; certain sanitary sewer clean-out wastes; used oil; antifreeze; food processing and slaughterhouse wastes; power washing wastewaters and sludges; commercial animal boarding, breeding and sale wastewaters and sludges; brine; animal and vegetable fats; leachate; and very small quantity generator (VSQG) hazardous waste liquids. Liquid industrial by-products management standards are prescriptive and mirror the hazardous waste regulations in many ways. In this webinar, attendees will get an overview of the generator and receiving facility requirements for handling non-hazardous liquid waste streams. They will also get a basic understanding of what is used oil under the waste regulations and the hazardous waste regulations in place to prevent oil from being mixed with other toxic solvents to ensure it can be safely burned as fuel.??
This webinar provides an overview of the hazardous secondary materials (HSM) regulations that were adopted into Michigan?s hazardous waste rules in 2017. Attendees will gain an understanding of what a hazardous secondary material is, how it must be handled, the legitimacy criteria that must be met for recycling HSM, and how this exemption from hazardous waste regulations can be beneficial. EGLE will share a few examples of approved HSM programs and how they benefited the generator, recycler, and, ultimately, the environment.??
In this EGLE waste webinar series webinar, attendees learn:
- What constitutes a hazardous waste, a non-hazardous liquid waste (called liquid industrial by-product), and a universal waste.
- How to determine if a site is a very small quantity generator (VSQG) of hazardous waste subject to less regulation than larger hazardous waste generators.
- What a generator must do to meet the VSQG exemption and be subject to less regulation than larger hazardous waste generators.
- How VSQG hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-product must be handled, transported, and recycled or disposed.
- What the inspector looks for during a hazardous waste and liquid industrial by-product generator inspection.?
Learn about the waste regulations that apply to collecting and diverting household hazardous waste and common small businesses wastes from being landfilled in an effort to protect and preserve Michigan's valuable natural resources and the environment.
PROGRAM QUESTIONS: Christine Grossman: [email protected]
REGISTRATION QUESTIONS: Alana Berthold:?[email protected] Joel Roseberry:?[email protected]
Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at this event?should contact Joel Roseberry at 517-599-9494 by at least two weeks before the event to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation, and/or other assistance.
EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, disability, political beliefs, height, weight, genetic information, or sexual orientation in the administration of any of its programs or activities, and prohibits intimidation and retaliation, as required by applicable laws and regulations.