Some wear dog tags from a faith-based company that inscribes Bible verses on them like Psalm 27:3 ("Though my enemies attack me, I will not fear . . . .") or Joshua 1:9 ("Be strong and courageous. . . .").
But now an extreme, anti-Christian group has demanded that soldiers be banned from displaying Bible verses on their dog tags alongside military insignias. They've even called the Bible verses "poison." Even worse, the military caved, demanding the Christian company "remove ALL biblical references from all of your Army products."
It's a slap in the face to our courageous troops and their faith.
The Bible doesn't violate the Constitution, but banning Bible verses does. We're fighting back, preparing legal letters to urge the military to rescind this unlawful order.
Our brave military heroes need your voice. Take action with us.
Sign Our NEW Petition: Defend Bible Verses for Our Soldiers.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director