Blanket student loan forgiveness that will fall on the backs of taxpayers is terrible education policy that should scare us a lot. Such policy coupled with presidential usurpation of power is awful, unconstitutional governance that should scare us much, much more.
Dan Ikenson, director of Cato's Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies, joins Trevor Thrall and guest host John Glaser to discuss the economic and foreign policy implications of Trump’s recent trade deals.
Americans of serious religious faith increasingly and justifiably worry about the security of their liberties at home as support for religious freedom becomes just another partisan issue.
As state legislatures kick off their sessions, the Supreme Court's Knick decision gives local lawmakers a strong incentive to revisit roadblocks to oil and gas production.
Amtrak's accounting system is so full of lies that even the pro-passenger train Rail Passengers Association calls it ‘fatally flawed, misleading, and wrong.’