We need your support before the legislature returns tomorrow. 

Roy Cooper for North Carolina

John —

It should be obvious that letting our state lose money when we don’t have to is bad governance.

But that’s exactly what Republicans in our state legislature are allowing to happen by refusing to expand Medicaid for North Carolina.

John, this has got to stop. When the legislature returns to session tomorrow, politicians need to know that we DEMAND Medicaid expansion in 2023. Add your name here to show your support >>>

Look, North Carolina loses $521 million every single month we don’t pass expansion. That’s money that could go right back into delivering for our people. Most importantly, 600,000 more North Carolinians could get covered by Medicaid. They deserve access to affordable and reliable care!

Republican legislative leaders for years have blocked Medicaid expansion. They even sued Governor Cooper for trying to move it forward. Now Republicans say they are for it, but they still haven’t brought it to a vote.

Denying North Carolinians the medical care they deserve is cruel. Wasting our state’s money is irresponsible. Let’s end this mess NOW.

Sign Roy’s petition demanding Republicans prioritize Medicaid expansion when the legislature returns tomorrow >>>


Thank you,

Team Cooper



Send donations via check to:
Cooper for North Carolina
PO Box 1190
Raleigh, NC 27602
Thank you!