In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
A profile of one of the NSS's 2018 Secularists of the Year, Phil Johnson, highlights the devastating impact of clerical sexual abuse – and how friends in
high places can make it harder to hold those responsible to account.
Dozens of teenage girls suspected of being groomed and abused in Manchester by gangs of men from Asian backgrounds were failed because police feared
upsetting race relations, a new probe has suggested.
Councillors in Dundee have roundly rejected a proposal to remove voting rights from non-elected members on the city's education committee, including
religious representatives.
Shohreh Bayat, the Iranian chief arbiter of the Women's World Chess Championship, says she feels unsafe to return to Iran after the circulation of a
photograph taken at game in Shanghai that appears to show her without a headscarf.
A leisure centre in Chelmsford in Essex could become home to a mosque – raising concerns that its bars will close. Local residents have set up a petition
opposing the change.
Armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 13 Christians in Plateau state, Nigeria on 8 January, the same day four students were kidnapped from a Catholic seminary
in Kaduna state.
Hundreds of hardline Hindus gathered to protest a planned Jesus statue that will rival Rio de Janeiro's "Christ The Redeemer" for its size, claiming the
structure will go "against the spirit of communal harmony".
The second half of the story of the decades-long pursuit of Bishop Peter Ball by the individuals determined to bring him to justice, and the cover-up that
went to the highest levels of the Church of England.
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