From Sue Fothergill, RepresentUs <[email protected]>
Subject RE: URGENT: Protect transparency in Congress
Date January 9, 2023 2:40 PM
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At long last, the U.S. House of Representatives has finally elected a
Speaker. Now that this circus has come to an end, Congress can finally get
along with, ya know, their jobs.

But don’t get too excited, they’ve still got their priorities out of
whack. A vote to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics is right around
the corner.

[ [link removed] ]Send a message to your representative right now asking them to protect
this bipartisan committee before it’s too late. They’re not wasting any
time, so we can’t either.

We can’t let them defund and dismantle this critical anti-corruption
safeguard. If the OCE can't do its job of conducting transparent
Congressional ethics probes, we, the people, will be left in the dark.
[ [link removed] ]The clock is ticking, send your message now.

Sue Fothergill
[3]Sue National Deputy Mobilization Director


John –

For the first time in 100 years, the U.S. House of Representatives has
failed – over, and over, and over again – to elect a leader over the past
two days. It's yet another sign that our current government is broken and

Most people already think the government is corrupt and not working for
them. So it makes perfect sense that the first order of business for this
new House is *checks notes* gutting the Office of Congressional Ethics…

The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) provides independent nonpartisan
oversight and accountability. It was established to create transparency
about Congressional ethics probes and has investigated the actions of
countless members from both sides of the aisle.

Defunding and dismantling one of the only checks on government corruption
is the wrong way to go. So we’re speaking up to save it. [ [link removed] ]Will you send
a message to your member of Congress right now asking them to protect this
bipartisan committee?

The OCE is a vital anti-corruption safeguard. We have a right to know
which members of Congress are being investigated for corruption. But if
the OCE can't do its job, we might be left in the dark.

There’s already a dangerous lack of confidence and faith in our
government. We need more transparency, not less.

The House is set to vote on this, and other changes, as soon as members
select a new Speaker. [ [link removed] ]We don’t have any time to waste, send your
message right now to save the Office of Congressional Ethics so we can
continue to root out corruption in Congress.

Thanks for speaking out,

Sue Fothergill
[6]Sue National Deputy Mobilization Director

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RepresentUs brings conservatives and progressives together to fix America's corrupt political system.
RepresentUs, P.O. Box 60008, Florence, MA 01062, 855-585-8100
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