Welcome to 2023, and as always, we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard! Read on…
Shift Washington

Welcome to 2023, and as always, we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard! Read on…

This week’s action item…
Newly elected Democrat State Representative Clyde Shavers (10th LD) was exposed as a serial liar days before Election Day. The mainstream media failed to cover the story properly – thousands of voters never heard about Shavers’ disgusting and dishonorable lies about his military record. We here at Shift WA believe that allowing admitted liar Mr. Shavers to serve in the State House is an insult to voters across Washington State. Will you sign our petition demanding Democrats do the right thing, and do not seat Shavers in the State House? Sign the petition.

This week’s top story…
Governor Jay Inslee ended 2022 with what we have come to expect from him – making blatantly false claims in an attempt to portray himself as an effective leader. Before New Year’s Day, he tweeted that the state has made “important strides to solve key problems like ‘homelessness, climate change, choice, equity, gun violence, the pandemic’.” Yet the facts clearly show that things have actually become far worse. Unfortunately, the media refuses to hold him accountable to the truth about his own record. Read more.

In case you missed it…
Maxford Nelsen, Director of Labor Policy for the Freedom Foundation, joined us for a guest editorial on the myth of government employee unions engaging in bipartisan political giving. Nelsen walked our readers through the financials of unions like the Public School Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 (PSE) and what their contributions to political candidates actually mean. Read more.

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