News from Representative Clarke


January 14, 2020


Yesterday was the 107th Founders Day for my illustrious sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Inc. It’s an honor to serve in Congress with my Sorors as we remember the legacy of our founders. Together, we carry out our organization’s mission through our commitment to service.




Committee on Homeland Security: 

  • Led a letter to urge the Administration to re-designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for  Somalia with my fellow colleagues

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Homeland Security Hearing on Understanding the Importance of DHS Preparedness Grants: Perspectives From the Field


Friday, January 10, 2020

House Floor Speech regarding the War Powers Act



Watch here



Committee on Energy and Commerce:


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Hearing on Americans at Risk: Manipulation and Deception in the Digital Age


Thursday, January 9, 2020


Subcommittee on Energy:


H.R. 3079, the Energy Savings through Public-Private Partnerships Act of 2019 was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 5527, the 21st Century Power Grid Act was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 1426, the Timely Review of Infrastructure Act was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 5542, a bill to require the Secretary of Energy to establish a grant program for states to provide incentives to natural gas distribution systems was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 2906, the Clean Commute for Kids Act of 2019 was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 3361, the Reliable Investment in Vital Energy Reauthorization Act was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 5518, a bill to require the Secretary of Energy to carry out a clean cities coalition program was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 5541, the Tribal Power Act was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.

H.R. 5545, the New Opportunities to Expand Healthy Air Using Sustainable Transportation Act of 2020 was favorably forwarded to the full Committee, without amendment, by a voice vote.





Committee on Homeland Security: 

  • Tuesday: Hearing on Assessing the Adequacy of DHS Efforts to Prevent Child Deaths in Custody 
  • Wednesday: Hearing on U.S.- Iran Tensions: Implications for Homeland Security

Committee on Energy and Commerce: 

  • Tuesday: Subcommittee on Oversight Hearing on A Public Health Emergency: State Efforts to Curb the Opioid Crisis 
  • Tuesday: Hearing on Promoting American Innovation and Jobs: Legislation to Phase Down Hydrofluorocarbons 
  • Wednesday: Subcommittee on Communication & Technology Hearing on Lifting Voice: Legislation to Promote Media Marketplace Diversity; my bill, Enhancing Broadcaster DIVERSITY Data Act


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebrations:

  • Sunday: MLK church service at St. Mark's United Methodist in Brooklyn at 5:00 p.m. 
  • Monday: Speaking at BAM 34th Annual Brooklyn Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at 9:20 a.m.
  • Monday: Speaking at MLK Day at Salem MB Church at 11:00 a.m.
  • Monday: Speaking at National Action Network Event at 1:30 p.m. 






We hit the ground running the first week back in session. From Iran tensions, to housing discrimination to climate change, Brooklyn continues to resist.



I recorded a video about my views against a war with Iran. Watch here.



Access to affordable and safe housing is a human right. I will continue to oppose the Administration's attempts to eliminate fair housing for communities of color. Retweet.




The FEMA Climate Change Preparedness Act is my bill to address climate change. Retweet.




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