Discovering Personality
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Psychologists have done empirical investigations into what predicts the longevity of a relationship. If a relationship's interactions fall below five positives to one negative then the relationship deteriorates and is generally doomed.

It is useful to understand your personality because it gives you a better chance of finding someone that you can actually live with over the long run. It is not just a matter of opinion. It is really a matter of different personality types.

Conscientious & Unconscientious
The advantage to being with someone conscientious is they are going to work like mad. The disadvantage is they are that going to work like mad. If you are looking for a partner that you want to relax or have fun with, then a conscientious person is probably not a good choice. On the other hand, if you are a conscientious person and you are living with someone who is really unconscientious that is not good either. They might be able to help you relax, but you are not going to be happy with them because they do not work nearly as hard as you do.

Introverts & Extroverts
If you are really extroverted and you have a really introverted partner, you are going to engage in continual conflict about how much social activity the two of you should subject yourself to. The thing about introverts is they just do not enjoy large-scale social interactions that much. One-on-one they are often fine but in a group, they do not like that, it tires them out. Whereas real extroverts, if you isolate them they just wither on the vine because a huge part of what actually motivates them in a positive way, is tangled up with social interaction.

Agreeableness & Disagreeableness
If you are an agreeable person and you have a particularly disagreeable partner, you are also going to run into problems because the agreeable person will say whatever you want whenever. The disagreeable person will say well "I would like to know what the hell you want for a change" and be more harsh and demanding in the situation. The agreeable person is going to find the disagreeable person harsh and unpleasant. The disagreeable person is going to find the agreeable person wishy-washy and unable to stand up for themselves. Discover what your personality is.

For a limited time, when you sign-up you will receive a discount of 43% off of my Discovering Personality course. Click below to join now. 

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Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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