In 2015, the FDA UNLAWFULLY APPROVED genetically engineered salmon for human consumption without a full review of the environmental risks. But the greedy company responsible is moving forward with producing these risky
GMO animals anyway!
Experts are concerned about the DRUGS USED in producing these salmon, the risk that it COULD TRIGGER NEW ALLERGIES in people and the THREATS TO WILD SALMON. Courts ordered the FDA to redo its environmental assessment, but it’s STILL
incomplete! We need FULL disclosure. Friend, help PROTECT wild salmon and people’s health:
tell the FDA to do a REAL safety evaluation before GMO salmon ends up in our
environment and on dinner plates. SIGN NOW!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]If GMO salmon escape, they could have DESTRUCTIVE impacts on the environment. These fish could outcompete wild salmon and introduce new diseases to their
populations. Salmon are a cultural keystone for many Indigenous communities;
harm to wild salmon could be devastating for these communities. The bottom line: we don’t know if these GMO salmon are safe for people or the environment.
What’s more, GMO salmon pave the way for GMO chickens, pigs, cows, and other animals
engineered to fit better into cruel and polluting factory farms to enter our
food system.
The FDA is still giving us incomplete risk assessments. We don’t know enough
about the health and environmental risks, but the FDA is trying to approve GMO
salmon again anyway. If just 1 of every 8 people reading this email takes action, we can help
PROTECT PEOPLE and the ENVIRONMENT from genetically engineered salmon. Please,
Friend, take immediate action!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Malaika Elias
Food and agriculture campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
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