Team — it’s been over two years since I first called for President Trump to be impeached. 

What was clear to me then, and what is even more clear to the American people now, is that President Trump is unfit to be President of the United States.

He lacks the morals and empathy needed to lead our nation. He is corrupt, self-centered, and a danger to our national security and our nation’s most vulnerable people.

After a careful and thorough investigation, the House voted last month on two articles of impeachment. We found that President Trump abused his power by asking Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 elections. We also found that President Trump obstructed Congress’ investigation.

Now the House is preparing to send the articles of impeachment to the Republican-controlled Senate, where the president will stand trial. Unfortunately, instead of following the House’s lead and conducting a trial that rises to the seriousness of the occasion, Senator Mitch McConnell has indicated that he is willing to do the entire trial without hearing from a single witness.

I don’t know if you’ve been in a courtroom lately, but I can tell you that in the United States of America that is not how trials work.

This is just another move by Mitch McConnell to sweep the president’s actions under the rug. By preventing key witnesses from sharing their testimony, Senator McConnell is attempting to hide the truth from the American public. 

Thankfully there are a handful of Republicans who are on the fence with McConnell’s plan, and now we need your help to make sure they force a vote on witnesses. That’s why we’re asking folks like you, Democratic activists, to sign our petition demanding Mitch McConnell to hold a fair trial. Will you add your name to the petition right now?


Thank you for standing with me in this fight for the soul of our democracy,








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