A hungry pregnant orca swims through her native Pacific Northwest waters in search of food to nourish herself and her unborn calf. She must consume 300 pounds of fish daily to remain pregnant!
If she doesn’t locate salmon soon, she could lose her baby. She’s getting weak and tired…but where have all the Chinook salmon gone?
The increase in commercial fishing by profit-driven corporations is one of the major reasons for the drastic loss of this essential food for orcas — lack of Chinook salmon can lead to starvation, stress, and miscarriage.
After the recent tragic losses of Cappuccino, Marina, and Ripple, there are now only 73 Southern Resident orcas remaining. And unless we replenish their primary food source immediately, scientists predict orcas will be EXTINCT within the next few decades. Please, Friend, will you take action to help STOP corporate overfishing from driving orcas closer to extinction? Sign our petition now >>
The Pacific Northwest waters were once plentiful and flowing with Chinook salmon for orcas to feed on. But now, we have lost 159 Chinook salmon populations, almost half of the historic salmon runs, leaving these vulnerable whales MALNOURISHED and STARVING TO DEATH.
Now, the orca population is at its lowest point since the 1970’s due to compounding threats like climate change, ocean acidification, and increased shipping pollution. And without enough Chinook salmon, these iconic animals don’t stand a chance.
But the US government is failing to step up and rein in greedy corporate fishing companies, so we need to demonstrate strong public support and demand immediate action. Otherwise, we could soon lose this endangered species forever. Add your name now to help SAVE the last of these beloved orcas before it’s too late >>
Thanks for protecting endangered orcas!
Friends of the Earth