What's Inside:
- Message from Jo Anne
- Remembering January 6, 2021
- York Street F Station Town Hall, 1/9/23
- Bus Network Redesign Meetings, 1/12/23
- Get Help from NYC Dept. of Buildings
- Sahadi’s Historic Business Designation
- 2023 Parking Calendar
- Take the BQE Feedback Survey
- Mulchfest, through 1/14/23
- Free Tech Help: Adams St Library
- Bring Composting to Your Building
- Comment Period for 514 Union St Cleanup
- Free Covid Tests
- Job Openings in My District Office
Dear Neighbors & Friends,
Happy New Year, and welcome to those of you who just joined the new Assembly District (AD) 52!
As you may be aware, the district lines changed in January due to the decennial redistricting that takes place after the US Census. Due to the strong population growth in AD52 this past decade, some constituents were moved to neighboring districts in order to keep the populations in the districts balanced. AD52 lost some of Gowanus south of 9th Street and some of Park Slope south of 2nd Street (now AD44 or AD 51), and gained the Brooklyn Navy Yard. To see if your Assembly district has changed, click here.
This week, we returned to Albany to begin the new legislative session. I’m excited to get back to Albany to continue the work of serving this district and fighting for a New York that is safer, fairer, more affordable and more just, a New York that puts into action our State Constitutional right to clean air, clean water and a healthful environment and will constitutionalize our right to make our own reproductive health decisions.
I was also pleased to attend the historic inauguration of Governor Kathy Hochul, the first woman to be elected Governor of New York State. The Assembly elected Carl Heastie as our Speaker again. Speaker Heastie has again entrusted me with the honor of Chairing the Assembly Committee on Ethics & Guidance, and the Commission on Legislative Ethics.
Looking back at this last year, I’m proud that the State Legislature passed historic reforms on voting rights, gun violence, and abortion. We enacted a state budget that boosts our economy and makes record investments in child care, education and the environment. We have much work ahead of us, but we are moving in a good direction.
It is truly my privilege to serve you.

Jo Anne Simon
Inauguration Day at the State Capitol.
Remembering January 6, 2021. Yesterday was the second anniversary of the attempted coup at the US Capitol -- a time to reiterate that the bedrock of our democracy is the fundamental principle of majority rule and the peaceful transition of power. As we now know, the former President violated that basic principle. He sought to hold on to power however he could, even going so far as to coordinate widespread election denial and the unleashing of a mob of insurrectionists to storm the Capitol, endangering lawmakers and staff and Capitol and Metropolitan Police. Preserving our democracy is of the utmost importance and I will not stop fighting for that every day.
York Street F Station Town Hall: Monday, Jan. 9th, 6-7pm. For years, I’ve joined the community and my colleagues in urging the MTA to improve this station’s safety and accessibility. On Monday 1/9, the MTA will update the community about its feasibility studies via a Virtual Town Hall. Topics to be covered will be the “constructability issues and challenges related to accessibility and new entrance and exit options.” We hope to see you there. You must register to attend and receive the link.
Brooklyn Bus Redesign Meetings: Jan. 12 & Jan. 26, 2023. The MTA will host community events to gather public input on the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Draft Plan. The redesign phase is an opportunity to upgrade to a modern, more reliable and quicker system. I encourage the public to review the draft plan and participate in the engagement process so that the MTA can fulfill its goal of a better bus network for Brooklyn. Buses are a main accessible source of transit for people with disabilities and people in transportation deserts, so it’s important that we get this right.
Many constituents have expressed their desire to see the B71 route restored, or a similar route established. Now’s your chance to make your voice heard. There will be a forum for every community district. Register for your community’s virtual workshop here:
- Thursday, 1/12/23 will cover most of Community District 2
- Thursday, 1/26/23 will cover Community District 6
- Thursday, 2/2/23 will cover Community District 8
You can access the draft plan here.
Do you Have a Question for NYC Department of Buildings (DOB)? Visit their office every Tuesday from 4pm-7pm. Homeowners, tenants, small business owners, and building managers can drop by the Brooklyn DOB’s office for their “Buildings After Hours” at 210 Joralemon St, 8th Fl., to ask DOB questions on the following topics:
- plan for a home renovation or construction project
- address an open violation on a property
- obtain more information about a property
- use online resources including the Buildings Information System (BIS) and DOB NOW
No appointment needed. To learn more, call DOB customer service at 718-802-3675.
Sahadi’s is on the NYS Historic Business Preservation Registry! I was thrilled to nominate and welcome Sahadi's “A Brooklyn Tradition” into the inaugural NYS Historic Business Preservation Registry. For decades, Sahadi’s has brought the best flavors, tastes, & scents from across the world to Brooklyn. Legendary among foodies in the know + locals, Brooklyn is blessed and honored to have Sahadi’s right here – for four generations! Congratulations and much continued success!
Please read this inspiring write-up in the Brooklyn Paper about the history of Sahadi’s.

2023 Alternate Side Parking Calendar: If you need a 2023 parking calendar, stop by our Carroll Gardens office, 341 Smith Street, to pick one up or download it here.
BQE Input & Comments. I am thankful to those of you who have participated in the BQE engagement process so far, and encourage everyone along the BQE corridor to get involved. You can take the DOT’s new BQE Central survey to give them your feedback, view the initial design concepts for BQE Central recently released by the DOT, and learn about 2023 meetings and updates here.
You can also read the statement that I made in response to the initial design concepts, along with U.S. Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, U.S. Congressman-elect Dan Goldman, State Senator Andrew Gounardes, and Council Member Lincoln Restler.
Redistricting - yes, again! As you may have heard, pursuant to a court order, NY Assembly districts will undergo yet another redistricting to take effect in 2024 because of procedural issues with the 2022 process. Draft maps were issued just before the holidays. Were the draft to take effect, if re-elected, I would no longer represent much of Carroll Gardens (our district office would be outside the district!) or any of Gowanus, including the canal and brownfields areas. This is disappointing because these neighborhoods have long been a core part of AD 52. However, these are drafts and the Independent Redistricting Commission will hold hearings across the state. Brooklyn’s hearing will be on February 15 at 4pm at Medgar Evers College.
Check out the map and hearing schedule and if you are so inclined, please testify or submit written comments.
Mulchfest through January 14. It’s that time of year again! Drop off your Christmas tree at a Chipping Weekend on January 7 or 8 site or set it outside your home for curbside pick up between January 6-14. The trees will be turned into mulch to feed our local parks. Make sure to remove all decorations.
Free Tech Help at the Adams St Library Tuesdays from 2-3pm. Have a problem or a question with your phone, computer, or other tech? Book a one-on-one appointment with a library staff member to receive personalized attention and instruction. Appointments can be made by calling the library at 718-230-2264, emailing [email protected], or stopping by the reference desk. Walk-ins will be taken if there are no other appointments booked in advance.
Help Bring Composting to Your Building: Do you live in a 10-50 unit high rise building and want curbside composting service? There is a new pathway to curbside composting service through the Building Compost Volunteer Program! Composting is critical to the environment and our economy. This program is for those interested in becoming a compost volunteer for their building. To learn more, the NYC Department of Sanitation is hosting virtual info sessions every other Monday evening 7-8PM, starting January 9th. Register here.

Comment Period for Cleanup at 514 Union Street. NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation is conducting a public comment period for an expedited cleanup at 514 UNION STREET, between 3rd Avenue and Nevins Street. The Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) is likely to represent a significant part of the cleanup for the site. Expedited cleanup activities are expected to begin in February 2023 and last about three months. The activities will be performed by 473 President LLC with oversight provided by NYSDEC.
NYSDEC is accepting written comments through Jan. 27, 2023. Access the Draft IRM Work Plan and other project documents online through the DEC info Locator.
Free Covid Tests. The Biden administration and U.S. Post Office are partnering once again to offer free at-home COVID-19 tests. To learn more or request your free tests, visit https://www.covid.gov/tests
Job Openings in My District Office. Our office is expanding! All applications must be submitted directly to [email protected], per the below instructions: