Update on our National Conference
Saturday 14th January
In the planning of the Peoples Assembly conference on 14th January we were aware that, in these fast moving times, the programme had to be flexible.
The Government has two very obvious weak points and these are the movement's strong points. They are 1) the crisis in the NHS and 2) solidarity for the growing number of striking workers. Public support for the NHS has always been strong and the strikes, with their inspiring leadership, have raised public consciousness. The Peoples Assembly sees these struggles as central to what we do.
The timing is tight but we are confident that we can attract a good range of speakers on both these crucial and related issues. In the morning session (starting at 11am) we will have two panels and hear from a host of leaders, strikers, activists and politicians building support for the struggle ahead. We already have confirmation from: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Laura Pidcock PA secretary, Steve Turner (Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union), Fran Heathcote, President, PCS, Simon Day (GMB), Andrew Meyerson (BMA), Ellen Grogan (RCN), plus we will have more tbc.
The panels will be on:
- The Future of Our NHS
- Trade Union Strikes and Cross Movement Solidarity
The development of the People's Assembly and actions for the future will be considered more formally in the afternoon's session, dealing with motions submitted by local groups and national signatories.
Delegates will receive a conference pack before the session which will explain how the motions will be debated. There will also be reports from local groups with a focus on developing locally and regionally and discussion on successes in setting roots in local communities and overcoming problems.
Those attending the morning session are invited to become People's Assembly members and this will allow you to speak in the afternoon session.
We hope you can help get a large attendance for the morning session. We also hope that all will leave feeling confident we are part of something big and armed with policies and actions to build the People's Assembly and its influence in reversing austerity, reversing the privatisation of the NHS and beating the Government in its desire to lower wages and destroy effective trade unionism. The current crisis of profits, suffered by most of the population, will only be stopped by a united movement and the People's Assembly will be a key part of that movement.
This Conference is open to all delegates, members and visitors (including non-members) and we encourage all to come along and join us on this important day to discuss, debate and decide how we fightback in 2023.
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In Solidarity,
The People's Assembly Team