"Secretaries of state now have a duty to uphold the Constitution and protect our democracy by ensuring Trump is barred from the ballot," one campaigner argued, pointing to the 14th Amendment.
"It is important to remain vigilant and keep a strong focus on mitigating global food insecurity given that world food prices remain at elevated levels, with many staples near record highs," said the FAO's chief economist.
"Few people have done more to advance human rights than Kenneth Roth," the ACLU's executive director asserted. "If Harvard's decision was based on HRW's advocacy under Ken's leadership, this is profoundly troubling—from both a human rights and an academic freedom standpoint."
"And they do not belong on the ballot going forward," said the California Democrat. "Elected officials who directly aided and abetted the deadly assault on our nation's democracy on Jan. 6 must be held accountable."
"If the Fed continues with its dangerous interest rate hikes," warned one expert, "we should brace ourselves for more hardship for working people and an unnecessarily painful recession."
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Mainstream economics failed miserably in addressing the financial crisis of 2007-08, so why would it be any different now when it comes to making sense of the rising inflation of the past 18 months?