News from Representative Guest

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Dear Friend,

At the time of writing this letter, we are still engaged in a debate over who will be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. In November, conservative Republicans across the nation won our elections based on platforms of lowering government spending, securing our border, holding the Biden Administration accountable, and restoring America to the prosperity it knew before liberal Democrats took control of the House, Senate, and White House. Spearheading that fight was one Member of Congress — Kevin McCarthy. No other Member did more to elect conservatives to the House of Representatives in November, and no other Republican leader in the House has worked harder to advance the conservative principles that will restore our nation. McCarthy outlined the conservative plan to get America back on track with his Commitment to America; he set up multiple task forces assigned to achieve Republican victories such as holding China accountable, cracking down on big tech, and securing our border; and he worked tirelessly across our country for four years in hundreds of districts to ensure that we retook the House.

Leader McCarthy holds the support of the widest range of conservative leaders in recent memory: President Trump, Vice President Pence, Governor Mike Huckabee, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Jim Jordan, Elise Stefanik, Dan Crenshaw, the majority of House Freedom Caucus Members including its Chairman Scott Perry, and 97 percent of House Republicans.

The original Republican Members who opposed McCarthy's nomination proposed a list of policies they would like to see implemented in the 118th Congress. Leader McCarthy worked through the requests and is allowing any single Member to bring forth a motion to remove the Speaker if he fails to govern in a conservative manner. This is a testament to his willingness to work with all conservative Members to make positive changes to the House on behalf of the people of our great nation, and it has led to 14 of the original Members who opposed McCarthy's nomination to switch their vote, signaling their trust in his leadership.

Our nation cannot afford for the House to delay any further in electing a Speaker. Since voting began just a few days ago, hundreds of Americans have died from opioids — a tragic number spurred on by the rise in fentanyl caused by President Biden's border crisis — and this can only be addressed when Republicans start legislating. Until we elect a Speaker and begin our work in Congress, people of unknown origins and intentions are crossing our border in droves every day. The future prosperity of our nation is at risk due to inflation, Chinese influence, and an energy crisis — a risk that is growing every day until we elect a Speaker and officially begin this session of Congress. 

I firmly believe that the shared goals of the Republican Majority outweigh our perceived differences — that the conservative ties that bind us in our common vision to create a nation that is more free, more fair, and places more faith in our Heavenly Father will be the leading force for the new Republican Majority.

It is time we start working toward these goals. It is time to unite behind the Republican nominee who has worked so hard to help us secure our Majority. It is past time to get America back on the right track. 




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