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It's the second anniversary of the coup attempt John.

Ban Fossil Fuel Fascists under the 14th amendment

Today is the second anniversary of the January 6 attempted coup, and things are very different. Last year, on the one year anniversary, we asked you to support Cori Bush's resolution calling for insurrectionists to be expelled from Congress.  


Today, those same members — including but not limited to Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Louie Gohmert of Texas — are the core of the "rump group" that is denying Kevin McCarthy the last dozen or so votes he needs to be Speaker. 


It's good sport to watch, but there's not a lot of good news or positive outcomes to expect from the present turmoil in the Republican party. In large part, that's because the chances to hold these fascists accountable for their specific fossil fueled behavior are slim to none. 


But there is one chance: Democrats in Congress have drafted a bill clarifying that Trump is unable to run again under the 14th Amendment. Will you sign on as a citizen co-sponsor? 

Ban Trump and fossil fueled fascists under the 14th amendment, sign now

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198 methods is an experiment in melding online and direct action styles of organizing, with an emphasis on developing new projects and partners. You can learn more about us at our website, www.198methods.org