The Hill: Expect more headlines from the Supreme Court in the new year


After an action-packed start to the term, the Supreme Court returns to the bench next week for the first winter oral argument sitting.

And while the term was frontloaded with headline-grabbing cases, Elizabeth Slattery previews a few high-profile cases coming up—and even more cases waiting in the wings.

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Arkansas’ race quotas for licensing boards deny equality and destroy opportunity


Stephen Haile is a devoted foster parent who, with his wife, has fostered more than 300 children in Conway, Arkansas. Realizing the importance of strong partnerships between social workers and foster parents in providing children the best-possible environments, Stephen decided to apply for a seat on the Arkansas Social Work Licensing Board.

A racial quota baked into state law, however, excludes Stephen from consideration—because he is white. Such laws run afoul of the Constitution’s equal protection guarantee, so Stephen is fighting back.

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Discourse: Racial balance is not a worthwhile goal for public schools


At Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax, Virginia, it no longer matters that one eighth-grade applicant for admission this fall has been building robots in his garage since he was 10, or that another won her middle school’s Math Olympiad last year and dreams of working for NASA.

All that matters is they’re Asian American, and the school believes it already has too many kids like them.

At least, that’s the effect of the school’s new admissions process. Erin Wilcox explains why such policies are unfair and unconstitutional.

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