Do we really want to know where you were January 6th? (Yes.)
The insurrection may seem like yesterday, but somehow it’s already been two years since over 2,000 rioters had the bright idea to storm the Capitol. The cotton anniversary!! Please forward all of your cotton balls and Egyptian cotton sheets to a federal prison near you.
Three years later, Nancy Pelosi’s podium has been safely returned home, the nation’s best-dressed QAnon Shaman has been sentenced to 41 months in prison, and we know that Trump was ready to hijack his own limo in order to join the rioters.
A new poll by Data for Progress finds 59% of voters think Donald Trump is responsible for the January 6th attack, including 90% of Democrats and 59% of Independents. In fact, 48% (!!!!) of Republicans believe that Trump holds some degree of responsibility. Considering he allegedly attacked a security agent in an effort to make it to the Capitol, that’s a pretty fair take.
Fifty percent of voters also think Trump should face criminal charges for his role in the insurrection. This includes 88% of Democrats, 50% of Independents, and 13% of Republicans. Well, yeah. We shouldn’t make it a habit to let people casually get away with inciting a riot at the U.S Capitol in an attempt to overturn an election. That might send the wrong message.

So on this cotton anniversary of January 6th, binge watch the best moments from the January 6th hearings (here’s a fun little guide. We recommend Barr calling Trump “detached from reality”), enjoy reading polls that Trump should probably be in jail, and then cleanse yourself with the utopian political process in The West Wing.
Read the full blog and polling here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
Baby, it’s unseasonably warm outside.
Despite what Marjorie Taylor Greene may want you to believe, climate change is not actually “good for us” and it’s very much a threat to our existence. If MTG has a plan to leave Earth and chill out with her Jewish space lasers, that’s great for her. As for the rest of us, we would like to save this planet while we have it.
One way to do that would be through a Civilian Climate Corps. The Civilian Climate Corps would provide thousands of young Americans with good-paying jobs to address the impacts of climate change, from installing solar panels on government buildings to managing forests in states prone to wildfires. Yanno, the little things that help protect us from impending doom.
A new poll by Data for Progress finds 63% of Americans support establishing a Civilian Climate Corps, including 88% of Democrats, 60% of Independents, and 42% of Republicans.

These folks would be like the Avengers of climate change!! Except, much less prone to wearing tights. Who could possibly oppose them? In fact, 52% of Americans support using Executive Action to create a Civilian Climate Corps, including 83% of Democrats, 48% of Independents, and 24% of Republicans.
We look forward to the Civilian Climate Corps taking on Marjorie Taylor Greene and her space lasers.
Read the full blog and polling here.
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when Republicans didn’t do anything about climate change.
So, we’ve reached the point where climate change is all around us. Wildfires have gotten more wild and frequent (no, we’re not talking about the fires caused by gender reveals) and hurricanes of all names have become even stronger. Congrats, it’s Don’t Look Up season and it seems that Republicans in Congress are just refusing to see the meteor that is climate change hurtling toward earth. Do you need Leonardo DiCaprio to scream at you?!? He absolutely will and he’ll probably do it for free.
A new poll by Data for Progress finds that 60% of voters, including 45% of Republicans, believe natural disasters have become more frequent in recent years. While 59% of all likely voters feel that natural disasters and climate change are connected, only 31% of Republicans believe there is a relationship between the two. Shocker! However, 84% of Democrats and 60% of Independents see a relationship between climate change and the increased frequency of natural disasters. Thanks, climate change, it’s always a pleasure.

Voters can pretty much agree that the government as a whole isn’t doing enough to address climate change. Only 26% of voters are optimistic that the government will successfully address climate change, including 42% of Democrats and 20% of Independents. Meanwhile, 31% of Republicans are completely unstressed and chilling in the “I don’t think climate change needs to be addressed” lane. Nice, that’s always calming to hear.
While it’s interesting that Republican-run states like Florida are often affected by hurricanes, I guess their move is to do nothing? So, it’s up to Democrats to do all of the heavy-lifting and try to save our planet. We’ll make you proud, Leo.
Read the full blog and polling here.
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