From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject The Hollywood Arts Collective Affordable Housing: How to Apply
Date January 6, 2023 5:44 PM
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** The Hollywood Arts Collective Affordable Housing: How to Apply

The Entertainment Community Fund, in partnership with Thomas Safran & Associates, is excited to spread the word about new affordable housing for the arts and entertainment community at The Hollywood Arts Collective. This project will serve low-income households and has a preference for artists. Through the lottery, you can apply for apartments that are affordable for households at a range of income levels. On-site amenities include a rehearsal studio, community room, fitness room, laundry facilities and lush landscaping.

Applications Available: January 16, 2023
Applications Deadline: February 15, 2023

Register now for an online seminar ([link removed]) for more information on how to apply for this exciting opportunity. Learn about the lottery process, income limits and rents, the artist preference criteria and other application requirements.

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