Yesterday, Donald Trump posted a series of misleading and downright false
tweets about healthcare. Don’t believe a single one of them.
First, Trump flatly lied by claiming he -- not the Democrats -- saved
protections for pre-existing conditions last year, which we know
Republicans were trying to scrap with their bills to repeal the Affordable
Care Act.
Not only that, but he had the audacity to claim he brought Americans’
healthcare “to the best place in many years.” On the contrary, Trump and
his party have sabotaged the ACA and sent premiums skyrocketing. The Trump
healthcare “plan” is forcing kids to fund their cancer treatment with “Go
Fund Me” pages. We deserve better than that.
Now, the most dangerous thing Trump said? “If Republicans win in court and
take back the House of Representatives, your healthcare... will become the
best ever, by far. I will always protect your Pre-Existing Conditions, the
Dems will not!”
John, the truth is that if Republicans succeed in repealing the
ACA in court and manage to take back control of the House this year,
Medicare for All could be out the window along with all of the progress
we’ve made over the years to hold insurance companies accountable and make
insurance more affordable. Healthcare will become less accessible and less
affordable than ever before.
That’s why it’s imperative we not only kick Trump out of the White House
this November, but we’ve got to hold on to our Democratic House Majority
by protecting progressives like the Squad and flipping more seats from red
to blue.
[ [link removed] ]We have ten months to ensure we have what it takes to stop Trump and
the GOP from utterly destroying our healthcare -- will you pitch in
$5 or
more today to help us?
[ [link removed] ]Chip in
$5 now
Thanks for helping us keep up the fight for Medicare for All.
Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America
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