Are you concerned about chicken-related supply chain issues? Do you think we’ll potentially see bird flu issues as well? Perhaps legislation pertaining to that? Are you concerned about the prices of chicken paraphernalia and feed
going up? Will you buy chickens this year?
Let us know what you’re thinking in the comments section.
Whether you like it or not, the economy will
force us to change the way we spend money - or the way we don't. How you handle it depends a lot on your state of mind.
If you're looking for a way through this, if money is tight, I can help.
Grab your copy of this new collection, 1 Year of Life-Changing Frugal Living Ideas and Philosophies, and get more than a thousand pages of ideas and philosophies of savings, large and small.
Our philosophy is that you can live well while spending far less money than the Joneses next door. We’ll show you how to do it in this epic roundup of "Thrifticles" that will make it easy to live well while spending less.
I'm not asking for an arm and a leg. Just pay what you can this week. Put in the price that you can afford and start finding your roadmap. ❤️
This country that used to value rugged individualism has turned into something different. Here are 10 kinds of people who just can't get on board. You're offended. We know.
Are you thinking about hunting and wonder what should you check before choosing a firearm for hunting?
Choosing the right firearm for hunting can be difficult. There are many factors to consider, such as knowledge and ability, hunting preferences, and budget. This guide can help.