URGENT WOLF ALERT: Three wolf pups were just found brutally murdered by trophy hunters -- and the Biden Administration wants to REMOVE critical wolf protections that could keep these beloved animals safe!
There is ONLY ONE wolf pack left remaining in the wild in Colorado. And now, 3 of its youngest members have been found MURDERED at the border of Wyoming.
These precious pups were protected as part of Colorado's repopulation efforts of the fragile wolf population and were believed to be the first pups born in the state in the last 80 years. But as soon as their tiny paws wandered onto Wyoming soil, they were fair game for trophy hunters to violently slaughter them -- even without a permit.
That’s because Wyoming is one of the Northern Rockies states with ZERO PROTECTIONS for wolves, giving hunters free rein to LEGALLY MASSACRE these beloved animals -- including DYNAMITING nursing wolf mamas and pups inside their dens. This cruelty has to stop NOW before trophy hunters push America’s iconic wolves to the point of no return. Will you sign our petition by MIDNIGHT to demand an END to these barbaric wolf-hunting practices?
Wolves aren’t bound by state lines, so it’s not uncommon for them to innocently wander into states where they are in grave danger of being shred to pieces by MERCILESS trophy hunters.
Yellowstone gray wolves are particularly threatened because the states bordering the park -- Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming -- don’t have ANY wolf protections and are actively passing laws to make it EVEN EASIER to legally murder helpless wolves. Recently, Yellowstone lost a record high of 25 wolves that were shot to death by trophy hunters, wiping out an ENTIRE PACK and leaving only 89 vulnerable wolves remaining.
While innocent wolves are being killed off in droves by vicious trophy hunters, the Biden Administration is attempting to REMOVE existing wolf protections. If this happens, vulnerable wolves won’t stand little chance of survival. Please, Friend, take action now to SAVE this treasured species from EXTINCTION: Add your name before it’s too late >>
Thank you for protecting wolves,
Friends of the Earth