Hi Friend,
I have a request for you. 
Sanford Research Center plans to host the 3rd annual Midwest Gender Identity Summit on Jan. 13, 2023, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in partnership with Transformation Project SD, an activist organization that promotes transitioning minors, children under the age of 18. 
Activists will push their view that vulnerable, but otherwise healthy, children and young adults can properly consent to experimental, life-altering, and irreversible treatments that are associated with transitioning. These organizations will not provide attendees with research documenting the harms associated with medical transitioning. 
The Bismarck, North Dakota Chapter of IWN, which I’m the leader of, has contacted Bill Gassen, president & chief executive officer of Sanford Research Center to demand he include speakers who can address the harms associated with medical transitioning, particularly for minors. 
We need your help to get Sanford Research Center to listen! Click here to tell Bill Gassen to stop the lopsided Midwest Gender Identity Summit
This summit will push the myth that there is medical consensus on diagnosing and treating gender dysphoria and that it is ethical to prescribe puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones or to recommend irreversible surgery to minors without parental consent. 
Thank you, 
Margo Knorr
North Dakota Chapter Leader
Independent Women’s Network

PS:  If you haven’t seen Independent Women’s Forum’s documentary series “Identity Crisis” — stories of mothers whose daughters fell victim to gender ideology; detransitioners who warn of the harms of socially and medically transitioning; and medical professionals sounding the alarm — watch now.