Dear reader,
Happy New Year!

As I reflect on our recent Best of 2022 series and look ahead at everything we have planned for 2023, I speak on behalf of everyone at the Prospect when I say thank you for your continued interest and readership, especially if you’re part of our growing coterie of IDEAS, POLITICS & POWER members, as you know your support has sustained our editorial team’s work. And, you have helped us keep our website open to all, even those who can’t afford to pay.

Now here’s something for you.

Did you know that nearly two-thirds of American adults don't have an up-to-date will? Estate planning has traditionally been expensive and overwhelming — but it is essential to protect your loved ones, secure your assets, and support the communities you care about. That’s why the Prospect has partnered with FreeWill, a free and secure online tool that guides you through making your will.

Think of this resource as a gift for yourself after a bustling holiday season, at a time of making resolutions and setting intentions. Creating your will is a thoughtful action that puts you steps closer to achieving your goals and maybe finding peace of mind for the year ahead.

Meanwhile, The American Prospect continues to be committed to connecting progressive policy with viable majority politics.

Thank you again for your readership and support as we continue this important work for years to come.
Ellen J. Meany, Publisher
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